The unique color will appear in the mini-map, 3d map, and for text, and death messages. Once a buddy has been added to the n (located in the settings\profiles\profile_name folder), that file can be edited manually to adjust the RGB value of the individual buddies. Mobile spawn points have been added to the 3d map. A BM21 truck with armed passenger positions filling the back. A flatbed truck with a Quad 0.50 MG mounted in the back, an M60 facing to the front, and a couple armed passengers for good measure.

The pilot can drop bombs with primary fire. Heavy transport/gunship with coaxial chain guns out the left side. The gunner fires the canopy machine gun with primary fire, and shoots out smoke grenades with secondary fire.

The driver fires tank shells with primary fire, and shoots a machine gun as secondary fire. A 360 degree rotation and a thick bullet shield make it a great option for clearing the skies of enemy targets. Quad 0.50 MG is a static machine gun emplacement with 4 powerful cannons. Right-clicking will detonate the missile. Once fired, the player camera is attached to the missile. The BRDM Malyutka Complex is an NVA amphibious vehicle that fires wire-guided missiles. The Ontos is a new USA tank that can fire 1 round from it's 6 cannon sequentially, or it can empty all 6 at once. The A1 Skyraider in 2 versions one for anti-infantry (MGs and napalm), and the other for anti-vehicle attacks (bombs and missiles). It's spring 1975, and the NVA are moving quickly to attack Saigon as the USA is finishing the final evacuations from Vietnam. Based during the Tet Offensive, the NVA have tunneled into the Saigon Sewer system in an effort to overtake the Presidential Palace. Tunnel flags appear in the minimap as vertical flags, differentiating them from the regular horizontal flag.

Minimap changes when inside tunnels, and teammate icons only appear if they are on the minimap the player is currently viewing (ie above ground or tunnels). Operation Cedar Falls is a new map that introduces tunnels to BFV. To resolve this issue change the graphics setting to low or medium. Using Geforce FX5200 type cards with high or highest graphics setting in Saigon 1968 may cause problems on some systems with unpredictable behaviors on player input due to low frame rates. To resolve this issue install patch 1.2 again after you installed ww2 mod.

If the WW2mod is installed after the 1.2 patch, the WW2 mod will not function properly. 1.2 Patch and WW2 Mod - If you have not installed the WW2 mod, it is important to install the 1.2 patch after installing the WW2 mod. Poniżej znajduje się lista modyfikacji jakie wprowadza do programu (tekst oryginalny – j. Dodano trzy nowe mapy (Operation Cedar Falls, Saigon 1968, Fall of Saigon), osiem nowych pojazdów, nowy tryb „spectator”, a także masę innych poprawek i zmian. Patch uaktualnia dowolną wersję gry do wersji v.1.2.